It's been helpful to hear others' stories of symptoms, diagnoses (which are not easily come by), and treatments. I only just joined a few weeks ago and haven't yet posted much, but the welcome I received from at least two people was genuine and kind and most encouraging. This support group is essential and fills a sorely missing spot in the online community spectrum!
--- Elsa, CIDP
...I learned so much along the way and have become stronger in my understanding of GBS throughout my recovery. It's helped me turn the negative of GBS into a positive by being helped, helping others and making friends with those on a similar road. Ben's Friends has helped me heal by helping me find all of those 1 in 100,000s in the world and for that I am so appreciative!
--- Tarhealing, GBS
Ben created this wonderful site. His Twitter feed is filled with many stories of hope over great challenges.

Ben’s Friends continues to expand this gift of love and support by creating more communities for folks sharing different great health challenges. Ben’s growing patient support sites continue to provide support with its members while new members share the challenges and share the joys. Thanks to Ben, Shalon and all the others who manage this site. It is a gift that keeps on giving.
--- Sharyn
Your website then was my biggest support.

We met back in 2006, in Austin at St.Davids. I and my daughter, Britanny, who was then 16 years old were new to the site. Your website then was my biggest support and we came to know that so many others are struggling through very similar issues. Today Brittany is 21 and married almost a year ago. Britanny now lives here in Austin and had gone for a year in San Diego. After her gamma knife operation, we had to wait the two long years. I am so proud of YOU!!! You are such a wonderful example of turning the hurts and pains of this life into positive! May you be ever so BLESSED!!!
--- Pat